The Office Cast
Leslie David Baker
as Stanley Hudson
- Birthday: February 19
- Born: Chicago, Illinois
- Current Residence: Los Angeles
- Marital Status: Unknown
- Education: B.S. in Psychology from Loyola University and a Masters in Human Services and Addministration
from Spertus College of Judaica Chicago.
Other Interesting Facts: Leslie has worked for the Chicago City Department of Health (AIDS Program
and Policy), as well as Chicago's Board of Education and Office of Cable and Communications. And if
that's not impressive enough, he also held a consultant position of the US Department of Health and Center for
Disease Control, American Red Cross, Illinois State Attorney's Office Health Task Force,
and Academy of Educaiton Development.
- Elizabethtown; 2005 - Airport Security #2.
- Line of Fire TV Show; "The Best Laid Plans" episode - Large Man.
- Scrubs TV Show; "My Interpretation" episode - Surgery Patient
- The 70s Show TV Show; "Backstage Pass" - Janitor
- Malcolm in the Middle TV Show; "Halloween Approximately" episode - Cop