Last Day in Florida - The Office (Season 8, Episode 18)

Dwight celebrates his winning of the Vice President position on a golf outing with Jim, Robert California, and Nellie. After playing, Robert tells Jim that he dislikes the business plan for the Sabre store, citing the poor quality of the products; he only approved it because Jo Bennett wanted it. He plans to sandbag it at a high-level meeting, and Jim is stunned when Robert strongly hints he is going to fire Dwight over it. Jim makes several attempts to stop Dwight from attending the meeting with Robert, but Dwight is heedless and, feeling empowered by his promotion, continually insults Jim, who finally decides to leave Dwight to his fate. However, a guilt-inducing phone call to Pam makes Jim decide he has to tell Dwight what is about to happen, no matter what.

Dwight ignores the news, thinking Jim is jealous of him and is pranking him, so Jim resorts to simply wrestling with Dwight outside the conference room. In the meantime, Nellie has Todd Packer stand in as VP in Dwight's absence. When Dwight finally makes it into the conference room, he hears Robert planning to fire the VP, so he sneaks out of the conference room and lets Packer take the fall in front of those present. Humbled, Dwight then silently extends a hand to Jim, and they head back to Scranton with Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker), who has reverted to his old grumpy self over the thought of leaving Florida.

In Scranton, Darryl and Toby are both trying to sell Girl Scout cookies for their daughters. When Toby's requests clash with Darryl's, Darryl tells him they need their own sections of the office to sell to in order to not interfere with each other. To Toby’s surprise, Darryl only chooses accounting while Toby gets every other section. Darryl had asked for accounting because Kevin buys more cookies than everyone else put together. Toby eventually realizes Darryl's plan and the two end up fighting over who sells Kevin cookies, with Kevin coming up with absurd competition ideas.

After doing a song and dance for Kevin, Kevin still can not make up his mind, so Darryl and Toby contemplate giving up until Kevin mentions he plans to buy hundreds of boxes of cookies, at which point they continue the competition. He has them record a voicemail message for him pretending to be girls who are having sex with him, but they finally give up for good when Kevin wants to ride them like a pony, citing they still want to maintain their dignity and will not go beyond the limit to what they would do for their daughters. When they walk away, Kevin says he will do any absurd thing for them to continue, kissing Meredith to prove it, but they still refuse.

Andy learns that Erin is not coming back to Scranton after she takes a job helping an elderly lady, Irene she met at the Sabre store opening, leaving Andy very distraught, especially when he learns that everyone else already knew through the social media of Ryan, who returned to Scranton after freaking out. When Dwight, Jim, and Stanley return to Scranton and Andy sees Jim happily reunite with Pam, Andy decides to travel to Florida to try and bring Erin back.

Best Funny Quotes From The Office - Last Day in Florida

exiting office Everyone stop what you’re doing, I have terrible news. Dwight is no longer with us.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Everyone
gasps What?! Why is that?
He’s gone, damn it! He’s been promoted to VP of Sabre Retail and he’s staying in Florida forever.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Angela Martin
So, he’s alive.
Yeah. That was him on the phone. He sounds wonderful.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Angela Martin
Well, the way you said it made it sound like he was dead.
How could I have been more clear? He had a massive stroke slight pause of good fortune and he is now in a better place.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Phyllis
If Dwight’s not coming back, does that mean we can open his treasure?
You guys, we’ve gone over this, there is no treasure. Erin retrieves the “treasure box” and slams it down on Dwight’s desk
Photo of Oscar Martinez

Photo of Oscar Martinez
When the team left for Tallahassee, Dwight told everyone not to touch his treasure. cut to Dwight holding treasure chest and telling the office “Don’t touch my treasure. Ok, you understand?” Obviously he wants us to obsess about it. There’s nothing in there. has realization Which is obviously what he would want us to think, making it the perfect place to hide a treasure. Oh god, I’m Wallace Shawn in The Princess Bride.

I think that Dwight wanted us to realize that this conversation among friends is the true treasure. everyone disagrees
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Oscar Martinez
I am dying to know what’s in there.
Yeah, I know, Oscar we all are but nobody’s gonna open it. You’d have to be insane. everyone turns to look at Creed
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Creed Bratton
Hi, hello.

to Creed standing in front of the “treasure box” Now, carefully… open the box.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Creed Bratton
opens box, pulls out and displays contents It’s a photo of all of us.
Aw, that’s so sweet! dart fires out of box and lodges in ceiling
Photo of Pam Beesley

Photo of Dwight Schrute
feigning surprise A dart? Are you kidding me? Who would put a poison dart, well, I mean, I don’t know that it’s poison. I mean, I just have to imagine. God, I’m glad he’s OK though. Kinda sounds like he deserved it, opening another man’s treasure and all. Wow!

on a golf course Well, mister ball, it’s been a pleasure. Now, give my regards to hell. Da! hits ball
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Nellie
Oh, all right! Well swung my VIP VP.
I am loving the chemistry between you two.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Nellie
I am so happy Dwight is gonna be working alongside me. We are a regular Archibald and his man George.
I bet. I’m excited.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Nellie
Trick… there’s no such thing. It’s not even a real English duo.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Nellie
I just made you look like the goat of Dover. And that doesn’t exist either.
to Robert You think you’re excited? You should feel my nipples. Robert gives a fake laugh
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Oh, that reminds me. reaching into golf cart Little something from all of us. hand Dwight a small wrapped gift
sarcastically Oh my gosh, thank you Jim, that’s so thoughtful. sets gift on golf tee Four! smashes gift Oh yeah!
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Nellie
He doesn’t even care.
Don’t even care!
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Jim Halpert
This is the last time I’ll ever see Dwight. It’s a weird feeling, it’s, um, what’s the word? It’s not, it’s not bittersweet. It’s uh… sweet. Yeah.

entering Andy’s office Hey, man. Selling cookies for Jada. Want the same as last year?
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Would if I could. And I can so I will. Put me down for one box. Don’t care what it is, dealer’s choice.
I’ll put you down for shortbreads.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Damn it.
entering Andy’s office Knock, knock. Hey, Sasha’s first year in the troops, so I’m selling cookies for her. Anyway, would you like some?
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
No. No.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
I been selling here for five years. This is my spot.
You can’t claim territories. This is the only place I interact with people. Can’t you sell at your church or barber shop? Darryl looks hurt Or chess club, or?
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
You know what? It’s your first time, let’s split the office. You can have sales, the annex, Creed, and I don’t know I’ll just take, uh, accounting.
That’s it? Yeah, well, ok. Thanks Darryl.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
OK, great.

exits Andy’s office smiling All I need is Kevin. Dude buys more cookies than everyone combined and then some. Kevin waves at him When I first started selling cookies he was a relatively thin man. Not a thin man, mind you. Relatively thin.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin

Photo of Erin
entering a home carrying groceries Hellosi, I’m home, babaloo.
rises from chair Oh, here let me help.
Elderly Woman
Photo of Erin
spilling groceries I got it. It was so busy at the store today. Really good cheese samples. I had, like, a hundred.

Irene hired me as her live-in helper. We met at the store launch. I told her I was moving here and I needed a place and it just sort of made sense. I basically do everything for her. Erin randomly adds an assortment of pills to a weekly pill box I run errands. I do chores around the house. I cook and clean. Honestly, I don’t know how she survived without me.
Photo of Erin

Photo of Irene
When can I introduce you to my grandson? He’s a wonderful swimmer. Shallow end, deep end. He does it all.
Well, today might be kind of tough, Irene. I have to talk to my old boss, Andy, and tell him I’m staying in Florida. hands Irene a mug
Photo of Erin
Photo of Irene
takes mug Thank you. takes a sip Oh, what kind of tea is this?
Oh, I boiled some Gatorade.
Photo of Erin

Photo of Nellie
misses putt Ah. In England, they put the holes a little bit to the right, you see. We’ll just chalk it up to cultural bias.
If I may, assists Nellie try holding the putter… yeah, with your wrists here. And your thumbs here.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Nellie
That’s right. Your little finger.
Photo of Robert California

Photo of Darryl Phylbin
approaches Kevin Would you like to buy some cookies?
Cookies, eh?
Photo of Kevin Malone

Photo of Kevin Malone
singing Oh, the springtime thinks that it’s the best. And fall time thinks that it’s the best. Cold time has, kind of a strut. And Valentine’s thinks that it’s the best. But gather round, peeps, I’ll tell you the truth. Nothing beats the cookie season, that’s the truth.

Kevin scratches cookie order form and sniffs it It’s not a scratch-and-sniff, Kev.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Kevin Malone
I know. But sometimes you still get a little something.
to Darryl Hey, you tricked me. You just wanted Kevin.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
You’re new to the game. You learned a lesson today. See you next year, sport.
No, no, no. It’s not fair. What if Kevin wants to buy cookies from me?
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Kevin Malone
I do.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
That doesn’t mean anything. to Kevin Kevin, do you want to buy cookies from me?
Oh, I definitely do.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
to Toby Huh. Hit the road, jack.
No, you hit the road, jack.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Kevin Malone
looking pleased Hey guys, come on. Don’t fight over me.
You know, why don’t we split the order? It’s only fair.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Kevin Malone
No. Wait, no. I’m buying, I make the rules. I actually do want you to fight over me. I wanna be wined and dined and… 69ed.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Kevin Malone
Metaphorically 69ed. Ew. Perverts… no offence Oscar. Oscar looks flabbergasted

Hop in, we have places to be. No rest for the wicked.
Photo of Nellie
Photo of Jim Halpert
to Dwight All right. So… I guess this is it.
Well, Jim, I just want to say that we haven’t always got along and at times, I’ve even hated your guts. But…smiles bye, bye. I win.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
attempts to shake Dwight’s hand Goodbye, Dwight.
drops golf ball into Jim’s open hand Robert, race you to the clubhouse, gentlemen’s bet. Woohoo! takes off in golf cart
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Jim Halpert
Well, he’s Florida’s problem now.
I’ll let Dwight have his fun. Today will not be his day.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Jim Halpert
What’s that?
I’m gonna tank the Sabre store at the presentation to the board.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Jim Halpert
I thought you liked the store?
Well, the store is lovely. You created a wonderful space to showcase our product line. Great job. Cheers.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Jim Halpert
Thank you.
But, there’s a reason we sell our products online and over-the-phone. Have you ever used Sabre electronics, Jim? Jim shakes head They’re cheap. They’re unintuitive. The Sabre store would work if we adopted the carnival model of leaving town once everyone’s wives do us.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Jim Halpert
Wow. When you put it that way, I guess it does sound pretty terrible.
I couldn’t just kill the project from the start. Jo Bennett endorsed it. Shame though, I did like Dwight.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Dwight Schrute
from distanced golf cart Robert! I’m gonna win, ha ha, I’m the gentleman! Suck it!
to Dwight Bravo, Dwight! Very good! Jim looks surprised to Jim Shame.
Photo of Robert California

Photo of Dwight Schrute
at Sabre headquarters The math is simple folks. Deeper market penetration, plus greater visibility, will raise Sabre Nellie emerges from behind Dwight together to the power of two.
How did that look?
Photo of Nellie
Photo of Gabe
I’m not just saying this, that was the best thing I’ve ever seen.
to Nellie I told you.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Todd Packer
When you guys do that whole power of two shebang, how ’bout I pop up also? I guess we’d have to say ‘power of three’. Hm, actually, you know what, yeah, that actually works. to Nellie You’d spin off right. I’d spin off-
You know what? That is a great idea. Cathy, write that down and print it out. It’s gonna make some really good toilet paper.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
enters room All right. There he is.
What are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Can I just talk to you for one quick second?
What, your stylist ran out of ‘messy spray’? others laugh
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Um, actually it’s, it’s for your own good. I think maybe we should- gestures toward hallway
You want to do something for my own good? Turn around, walk out that door, do not stop ’til you get to Scranton, find my cell phone charger, mail it back to me, and then go hell. others laugh
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Todd Packer
Nice. To Jim Hey, Halpert, anyone ever tell you you look like Wooly Willy?
to Packer Silence.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Todd Packer
Aw, I’m just trying to-
interrupts I know what you’re trying to do, I don’t want it. to Jim But your face does look like the guy from Operation.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Todd Packer
That’s… that’s the same guy. It’s the joke I made.
Different guy.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
You know, I just think you should know that-
interrupts That you look like the world’s tallest hobbit. others laugh
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Jim Halpert
Well, I tried. gestures the meeting room You saw it, so, it’s on the record. I have a plane to catch.

Can you help me? I’m trying to make a video chat with Andy.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Irene
Just open the program and type in his user name.
Can you just do it?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Irene
after briefly typing Here, type in your password.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Irene
That’s a terrible password. And you don’t ‘make a video chat’, you video chat.
annoyed All right.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
That’s so weird. There’s something wrong with my laptop. turns laptop on its side Oh. I fixed it.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Oh, now mine’s broken. Hang on. turns his laptop on its side while lying on desk Oh, there we go.

on phone with Jim He said, ‘I did like Dwight’? He’s gonna fire him.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
No, no, I think it was more like, ‘you know, I liked him, but I don’t anymore because he did a bad job, so I’m definitely gonna yell at him’.
Robert doesn’t talk like that. You have to stop Dwight from doing this.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
I tried. He will not listen.
Did you actually try your hardest?
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
Yes… my pretty hardest. Look, you haven’t dealt with him in awhile, all right. He’s like super Dwight. It’s like he’s been bitten by a radioactive Dwight, or som- Stanley, back me up.
Don’t talk to me.
Photo of Stanley Hudson
Photo of Jim Halpert
Stanley’s very upset that we’re leaving Florida. But he would back me up.
If Dwight’s about to get fired, you have to tell him. Just get the words out. That’s all you can do.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
OK. All right.

to Kevin What’s a skinny guy like Toby know about cookies? You can’t trust him to understand the wants and needs of the thick man. Maybe Toby from two years ago.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Phyllis
laughs Yeah.
That’s true. If I have a question about my cookies at midnight, who am I gonna call? Darryl. Toby’s probably in bed with some model.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Thank you.
I’m, I’m not gonna comment on my personal life.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Look, I need this. Ok? Your daughter is a pretty little girl. Let her go door-to-door. You think people gonna buy cookies from my hesitates chubby daughter?
Oh. looks away
Photo of Phyllis

Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Baby, if you’re watching this, you’re not chubby, you’re beautiful. Daddy’s just got to sell some cookies. And we’re also gonna exercise more. It’s gonna be fun.

to Kevin Oh, you know what you have to do? To decide? You need to make them do things for you. And, like, buy you things.
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
Photo of Pam Beesley
Or have them sing that song! That the frog does in Looney Tunes.
Make them kiss each other.
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Make them kiss me. everyone ‘ew’s Toby and Darryl look at each other

Yes, this is too tan. This right here-
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
This is a tanned spot.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
I don’t buy it. It, that is a freckle. That is not a tan, ok? I’m gonna have to inspect it in person when you get back here. I want you looking totally ‘puerto ricania’ when i see you.
Well, Andy, I’m not coming back.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
I have a job here. I work for an old lady. turns laptop to put Irene into view
Photo of Erin
Photo of Irene
waves Hello!
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s great.

Toby and Darryl perform Hello! Ma Baby This is tough. ‘Cause Darryl, you sang better and you dance better but Toby has that indescribable quality that makes a star. I think I’ve reached my decision. I have decided… that you guys are gonna keep doing things for me.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
No, no, no, no. It’s not worth it.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Kevin Malone
No, it’s not worth it? That’s too bad. ‘Cause I was feeling particularly hungry this year.
Yeah, ok so what, you buy 40 boxes?
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Kevin Malone
You’re not talking… triple digits?
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Kevin Malone
Oh yeah, I’m talking triple digits. folds arms satisfied while Toby and Darryl look at each other Again. both start performing Hello! Ma Baby again

straightens tie in mirror Showtime.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
enters abruptly Dwight.
You again? Gosh, I keep throwing you away, you keep flying back here. You’re like an Amish return stick.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
OK, great, listen to me. Listen to me. Dwight makes funny gesture No, no, I know. Will you just let me tell you one thing, please?
Yes, you may tell me one thing. Wait, you want to borrow money?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Listen to me. Robert is going to veto the Sabre store.
rolls eyes Jim, come on.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Dwight, he’s gonna kill the store.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
And then, I’m pretty sure he’s gonna fire you for it.
Wait. holds up fingers He’s gonna kill the store? And he’s gonna fire me?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
smiles That’s two things.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Dwight, please.
Nice try, Jim. Your pranks have never worked in the past and they’re not going to work today.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
OK, first of all, they’ve mostly worked, so-
You know what? You might want to get to the airport. It’s gonna take you a long time to get through security with all those beauty products. Bye.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Dwight, come o-
Nothing is gonna stop me. That is the mark of a great man. Unstoppability. Dunder-Mifflin, the farm, Mose, all those things vanish in my rearview mirror. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with destiny. And from what I hear, she’s a slu- Ah!Jim tackles Dwight
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Dwight Schrute
Jim holds him back and tries to cover his mouth Help! Help!
Gross! Don’t lick my hand! God, why is there so much saliva?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
AlI had to do was think about pie and my salivary glands did the rest.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
attempting to break from Jim’s grasp Ah!
What? What, what, what, what, what?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
clutching side Oh, god! You… oh! My appendix-
I’m sorry.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
My wound hasn’t healed yet.
I’m so sorry, I forgot.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Oh, man!
You all right? You ok?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
stops whining and charges Jim Rrrah!

to Cathy Where the hell is he? I cannot do this without him.
Photo of Nellie
Photo of Cathy
I don’t know. He’s not picking up.
Well, looks like Shnoot’s a no-show. Guess he wasn’t vice presy material after all. But I am. Put me in, babe. I got the info down backwards, forwards, and doggy-style. I’m your man.
Photo of Todd Packer
Photo of Nellie
considers and decides on Packer Right, let’s begin then. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the vice president of Sabre Retail, Mr. Todd Packer.
Photo of Todd Packer

Photo of Phyllis
notices Andy boxing up things from Erin’s desk What are you doing?
I’m just dealing with Erin’s stuff since apparently she’s not coming back. And she didn’t bother to tell anyone.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Oscar Martinez
We knew. Ryan told us.
Ryan, why didn’t you tell me?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Ryan
Thought you checker my Tumblr?
You never update it.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Ryan
Well, I updated it.
Does anyone else think this is weird? And like, kind of uncool, actually? To leave us without a receptionist?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Pam Beesley
We’ll find another receptionist. I mean, that’s easy. We’ll be fine. Andy nods reluctantly

trying to get around Jim Huh, huh, huh! slides between Jim’s legs
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
What are you doing?
I was trying to go-
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Get up.
Ok, ok.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Get up. All right? I’m not gonna let you by.
Then you know what? I’m just gonna have to run right through you.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
OK. Dwight runs in place What are you doing? Are you really revving up? you know that doesn’t work.
tries to jump off wall Jackie Chan! falls and groans
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Kevin Malone
holding mobile phone up Go.
in a feminine voice Hi. This is Alex.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
in feminine voice And this is Sam.
in a feminine voice Kevin can’t come to the phone right now because he’s busy with us.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Kevin Malone
Perfect! Now people will think I’m doing hot girls all day.
I don’t know, man, they might think we’re drag queens.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Yeah, I don’t know why you picked names that are also guys’ names.
Okay, now who do I ride to the kitchen like a pony?
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Don’t make me be your pony, Kevin.
Forget it, man.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Kevin Malone
What do you mean?
I’m out. And so is Toby.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin

Photo of Darryl Phylbin
This may be wrong. But there’s a limit to what I would do for my child.
Yeah. I have my dignity too. I refuse to be another man’s horsey.
Photo of Toby Flenderson

Photo of Kevin Malone
No guys, stop! You have to sell me cookies. I’ll do anything. starts performing Hello! Ma Baby I’m even gonna kiss Meredith. kisses Meredith That is… hmph… that’s ah… so good. almost in tears Meredith pulls him toward her by his tie

tackled by Dwight What are you doing? No. No, no, no.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
This. Ends. Now.
This is dangerous.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
picks Jim up Rrahh! both fall
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Anything else you need to talk about?
Nope. I think that was it. Dwight gets up and walks away
Photo of Jim Halpert

Photo of Dwight Schrute
looking disheveled in mirror Once again, it’s show time.

What baffles me is how you could take a perfectly good idea, Dwight enters which the great Jo Bennett rightfully signed off on, and then utterly botch it in execution.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Todd Packer
If I may speak to that, I have only been vice president of this project for the last half hour, so the man you want is Dwight Shrute.
I don’t see Dwight. He clearly had the infinite wisdom to stay as far away from this clown show as possible.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Nellie
Whatever you do, do not blame Todd Packer. It is not his fault. Blame his upbringing, his parents, the society that would mold this idiotic creature. Fire the employee, yes… but not the man. You may not cancel his soul.
That was never on the table.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Todd Packer
to Nellie Are you kidding? to Robert She’s the queen of the whole freaking Magilla!
And yet Todd, it’s you who’s fired.
Photo of Robert California
Photo of Todd Packer
What, you, I, I can’t get fired. I’m an institution. I have been at this company for 20 years. How many of you have been here that long, huh? Dwight exits meeting room and helps Jim up

Dwight and Jim enter office Hey, hey. They’re back. Everyone greets them
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
Dwight, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Florida?
Yeah, the crazy thing about that is, um, wow you look great. Did you lose some weight?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
Thank you, for someone who actually notices this. No, I didn’t lose weight. But I started using my makeup to contour my face to look skinnier. I actually put on five pounds.
to Stanley Hey! Good to have you back.
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Stanley Hudson
insincerely Good to be back.
to Jim Hey, stranger!
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
Aw, I missed you.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
I missed you. they embrace and kiss as Andy watches on sadly
Photo of Pam Beesley

Photo of Andy Bernard
I’m going to Florida to get Erin. grabs coat, runs out, then returns Forgot to turn off my email. It’s crazy, right? It’s just, when she said she was leaving, I felt so- looks at computer frustrated ‘You’re about to close four tabs, are you sure you want to continue?’ Yes. I am sure. Ah, slow computer!

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