Secretary's Day - The Office (Season 6, Episode 22)

It is Secretary's Day, and Andy tries to make Erin's day a memorable one. He convinces a reluctant Michael to take her to lunch at a place of her choosing. Michael is highly uncomfortable, as he thinks Erin is boring. During lunch, Erin asks Michael to tell her about Andy before she joined the staff, and he mentions that Andy was previously engaged to fellow office worker Angela, a fact which Andy had concealed from Erin, to Michael's surprise. Upon learning about the engagement, Erin tries to conceal a fit by wrapping her hair around her face, and is silent on the drive back to the office.

During the main party, when Andy starts to play a song he wrote for Erin, she throws cake in his face and reveals her knowledge of his engagement to Angela. Though Pam Halpert tries to persuade her that Andy's engagement to Angela is unimportant, revealing that she also was engaged to another co-worker before marrying Jim Halpert, Erin decides she can't trust Andy anymore and breaks up with him. At the end of the day, Michael cheers her up with some jokes and Andy notes that at least someone has made her happy on Secretary's Day.

Oscar circulates a video he made, which dubs Kevin's voice over footage of Cookie Monster. It is a hit with the staff, and they continuously make fun of Kevin with Cookie Monster impersonations. Kevin complains to Gabe Lewis about their teasing. In an effort to assert his fledgling authority, Gabe bans the office from talking about the video or Cookie Monster. When the jokes continue, Gabe suspends Pam without pay for contradicting his orders, then Jim for defending her, and then even Dwight for applauding Gabe's punishments.

Pam consults Toby about this, and after looking into it he informs her that Gabe can suspend people but does not have the authority to dock their pay. Meanwhile, Gabe learns the same thing from corporate, but rather than admit his mistake to Pam, Jim, and Dwight, he decides to salvage his pride by saying he will revoke the suspension if they apologize. Pam and Jim decline, thus effectively getting a two-day paid vacation, while Dwight apologizes and kisses Gabe's hand instead, as Jim and Pam neglected to share Toby's information with him. After Jim and Pam leave, Gabe decides to save face and mock Kevin as well, but does a poor impression. Kevin retaliates by doing an impression of Gabe, and the rest of the office joins his mockery.

At the end of the episode, Kevin tries to get back at Oscar by dubbing Oscar's voice over footage of Count von Count, his rationale being that the Count counts and Oscar is an accountant. To his frustration, Kevin gets a much less enthusiastic response from the rest of the office, many of whom agreeing it would have made more sense to dub Oscar’s voice over footage of Oscar the Grouch. Only Michael finds it funny, but Kevin is satisfied with this, not even minding when Michael calls him "Cookie Monster".

Best Funny Quotes From The Office - Secretary's Day

Cookie Monster
Kevin’s voice Oscar, Toby said he left my Girl Scout cookies on my chair. Have you seen them? Wait I’m sitting on them. all laugh
This is awesome!
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Thank you. It didn’t even take that long.
Kevin’s voice What’s the difference between a chimichanga, Kevin arrives behind the group a chalupa, and a tostada? Call me back ASAP. It’s urgent.
Cookie Monster
Photo of Kevin Malone
This isn’t funny. I don’t talk like that. all continue laughing
Say “Me eat cookie.”
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Kevin Malone
No. I won’t say it.
Why is everyone clumped around accounting? Break it up, you clique.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Ryan
It’s Kevin as Cookie monster from Sesame Street.
gets up and starts to walk to Oscar’s desk Is that the program where all those puppets live in the barrio?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Phyllis
I love that show.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Cookie Monster
Kevin’s voice This is Kevin. This is Kevin.
Good work, buddy.
Photo of Ryan
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Thank you.
That is an amusing link. I’d like it sent to me, please.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Me, too Oscar.
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
Photo of Ryan
C.C. me
Angela, this is inappropriate.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Angela Martin
This is my favorite day.

It’s Secretary’s Day. And it is Erin’s and my three-week anniversary. So perfect storm for a romantic gesture. Andy unfurling a giant “Happy Secretary’s Day” banner by reception, placing a teddy bear on Erin’s chair. Want to make sure the whole office remembers it’s Secretary’s Day. I sent an e-mail blast, a text blast, a good, old-fashioned talk blast. I sent a snail mail blast a week ago. And a Stern reminder via fax at 7:00 this morning, so people better step up and appreciate the crap out of Erin.
Photo of Andy Bernard

Photo of Meredith Palmer
Here you go.
Oh, thank you.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
I do.
hands Erin a basket of beets
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Erin
Thank you.

If it wasn’t for secretaries, I wouldn’t have a stepmom.
Photo of Andy Bernard

Photo of Erin
as Halperts arrive Welcome back!
Hey, thanks.
Photo of Pam Beesley

Photo of Pam Beesley
It’s my first day back after maternity leave. And I miss Cece, of course. But we need the money. What was maternity leave like? Oh, how do I explain it?… It rocked. It rocked my ass off.

at her desk, grabs her plant and sees it dried up, looks at Jim Oh. You couldn’t have watered it?
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
I literally did not know that existed until this moment.
Well, I knew it existed, and I chose to let it die.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Pam Beesley
It’s nice to see you again, Dwight.
Hello, Pam.

Photo of Andy Bernard
arrives at Michael’s office and sits I was just wondering what you had planned for Secretary’s Day.
I’m going to give Erin $15.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
I know that Erin would be so psyched if you took her out to lunch.
A one-on-one lunch with Erin?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah. She really looks up to you. And there’s only so much we can do as her coworkers. Secretary’s Day is really kind of a boss-secretary thing. Michael glances over at Erin in reception, Erin waves her teddy bear’s arm at Michael.
She’s kind of a rube.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
slams his hand on Michael’s desk That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about.
Okay. All right. All right. Okay. I’ll take her to lunch.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
taping desk She’s gonna be so psyched.

walks over to Erin’s desk Hi, Erin. Happy Secretary’s Day.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Well, happy Boss’s day. There wouldn’t be a secretary if there was no boss.
I wanted to know what your plans for lunch were because I was hoping to ask you to…Erin snaps a picture of Michael lunch.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
I got a picture of you asking me to lunch. I was thinking we could go to Hayworth’s.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Just the two of us.
Well, Hayworth’s is more business casual, and they always screw up your order. So I’m…
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Yeah, okay. Yeah that was a stupid suggestion. I was thinking someplace special, so I though Hayworth’s, but…
Okay, well, we’ll figure something. Michael turns and starts back toward his office
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
looks at Andy who is urging he agree with her, Michael turns around Okay, let’s go to Hayworth’s.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
cheerfully Okay.
All right.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Meredith Palmer
sitting at kitchen table with Darryl Have a cookie, Kev.
Yeah, haha. Tray of cookies. I’m not falling for that.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
I brought those in. It’s my birthday. That’s some stone-cold narcissism right there.
Man, Darryl, I’m sorry. pats Darryl’s back Happy Birthday.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Thank you. Kevin grabs cookie and starts eating it
as Cookie Monster Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin

Photo of Kevin Malone
They’re making fun of Cookie Monster. I get that. But in a strange way, it feels like they’re making fun of me.

again on laptop as Cookie Monster as he shows Gabe the video Oscar, did you eat some of my M&M’s? The level…
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Gabe
This is violent and offensive.
Thank you. computer continues It really makes me self-conscious about my voice.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Gabe
It’s awful. reaches for tissue box, hands it to Kevin
I’m not crying.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Gabe
You have some food on your face.
on computer as Cookie Monster Do my hands feel sweaty to you? Kevin grabs a tissue and wipes his mouth
Photo of Kevin Malone

Photo of Gabe
The beginning here has been a little bit of a fiasco. Either they don’t respect me or they respect me too much. And some of them still think that I’m the I.T. guy. This Cookie Monster thing is an opportunity to show people that I’m an authority figure.

Hello, everyone. If I might have a moment of your time. It’s come to my attention that people have been watching and laughing at a hurtful parody video. It is now forbidden to talk, joke about, or e-mail this around.
Photo of Gabe
Photo of Kevin Malone
And that’s straight from corporate. So not to be scary, but yeah, I would listen to me. And that’s all. Ciao.
Photo of Gabe

Photo of Michael Scott
in his car with Erin driving to lunch Would you mind if I listen to my book on tape? I’m kind of a bookworm. This is the novelization of the movie Precious based on the book Push by Sapphire.
I was thinking it would be fun to talk on the way over. So what decade would you have chosen to be a teenager?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
shakes head, annoyed I don’t know.
I would have chosen the 1490’s.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
‘Cause America was discovered.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Right. sighs

at lunch And then my last job was at a Taco Bell express. But then it became a full Taco Bell, and I don’t know, I couldn’t keep up. My favorite part about being a receptionist is that I get to have my own desk. In my Foster home I never had a desk. Michael keeps moving around, very clearly bored and annoyed. So it’s like… I don’t mean that I didn’t like my foster home. I did like it. I just didn’t have a desk there. Did you have a favorite age? Or month?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
An age or month?
Yeah, like a favorite month. Like I like April when I was seven.
Photo of Erin

Photo of Michael Scott
I’ve been trying. I’ve been trying to keep it going. Erin is just weird.

How many pillows do you sleep on at night?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
So how are things going with Andy?
He’s the best boyfriend in the world. Tell me about him before I met him.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Well, let’s see. Um… Andy. Plays the banjo.
Yeah I love that.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Other than the fact that he dated Angela, I don’t think he is a snappy dresser.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
I don’t think he is the best dresser. Reminds me of Easter.
Sorry. About Angela? Did you say he dated Angela?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Mm-hmm. You didn’t know that? Oh.
Here we go. Hot plate.
Hayworth’s waiter
Photo of Michael Scott
And your salad, miss.
Hayworth’s waiter
Photo of Erin
Why wouldn’t he tell me that?
I don’t know. Probably didn’t want you to have a mental image of him having sex with somebody else.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
They had sex?
They were engaged, so… Erin looks shocked Okay, you know what, sir?
Photo of Michael Scott
Hayworth’s waiter
Yeah, I asked for pickles with my burger. And there are only, like five or six. Could I get some more pickles?
Photo of Michael Scott
Hayworth’s waiter
Of course. I’ll get you a bowl of pickles.
Thank you.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Uhhhh, they were engaged?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
face looks disgusted, moves around uncomfortably Uh-oh…
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
moans, pulls hair over her face
What are you doing? What are you doing?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
In the Foster home, my hair was my room. exhales, prolonged exclaiming
Okay, okay. You know what? You know what? You know what? Everybody’s looking at you right now.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
breathes heavily, groans
turns to other restaurant patrons I’ll have what she’s having!
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Michael Scott
in Michael’s car Did you have a… did you like your lunch? Did you have a good lunch? Did you like that? Did you enjoy your food? It was good. I liked my lunch.

feels a pain in her breast Ooh. Ah-ah-ah. Ha-ha.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
What’s up?
Her milk is coming in. She’s getting uncomfortable.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Dwight, don’t be gross.
No, no, he’s right.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Same thing happens with my cows if I don’t tend them frequently enough. You gotta milk them, or else they’ll moo like crazy.
That’s weird, my breast pump is missing. Have you seen my breast pump?
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Dwight Schrute
removes jacket, applies hand sanitizer All right, this is gonna traumatize me a hell of a lot more than you, believe me.
You know what, Dwight? Let me just check the bathroom first. Okay?
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Really? Fine. Let your breasts explode. Three squeezes and I would drain you.
Mm. walks into bathroom, Meredith is using her brest pump Meredith!
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Meredith Palmer
I just like the way it feels.
What are you doing?!
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Just relax. Okay.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Meredith Palmer
This is like the Cadillac of pumps.
Give it back to me now.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Okay, I was just warming it up.
It’s disgusting!
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Meredith Palmer
It’s not a big deal.
It’s not sterile!
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Meredith Palmer
We’re both girls. Who cares?

So… how was lunch?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Erin
Lunch was fine.
Was it everything that you hoped and dreamed it might be?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Erin
I don’t know. It was lunch, Andy.
Well, I know. stammers Just want… I mean… chuckles
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Erin? I think we’re out of fax cover sheets.
God, Oscar, will you keep your pants on? It’s easy.
Photo of Erin

Photo of Kelly Kapoor
using a Cookie Monster voice “My name is Kevin, I’m an accountant.” See I did the voice.
That’s a little derivative.
Photo of Ryan
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
But parody is always derivative.
Uh, it’s not organic. Do you know what I mean?
Photo of Ryan
Photo of Pam Beesley
Jim does a really good one. Do yours.
Oh, guys. I really refuse to participate. “Michael, can I have an advance on my paycheck because a Mrs. Fields Cookie just opened up at the mall.”
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Gabe
Guys, why don’t we leave the parodies to the pros at Mad TV?
“Sorry, Gabe, but that show hasn’t been on in many cookies.”
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Gabe
Hey. Can I have your attention please? First of all, thanks to everyone for helping put this awesome party together. And a very special shout-out to the chair of the Party Planning Committee, miss Angela Martin. You have outdone yourself.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
You know what, I think we can all agree that Angela’s not so great, so..
I am saying the exact opposite. Angela is fantastic.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
No. No. No.
Specific shout-out..
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
Stop talking.
Ok. As some of you may know, I have a very special connection with Secretary’s Day in the form of that 115 pound moonbeam over there named Erin Hannon. To a lot of you she may just be the person who brings you your fax comformations. But to me, she is my girlfriend… in addition to being the person who brings me my fax comformations. So I wrote starts to use a British accent a little ditty. That I would like to play for all of you right now. It’s a little tune called Secretary of Love. A one, a two, a one, two, three..
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Erin
throws a piece of cake at Andy’s face I know about Angela! I know that you were engaged to her and that you were sleeping with her! Michael told me.
Oh God.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Can we talk about this in private?
I don’t want to be in private. Is it true or is it not?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Who else did you sleep with? Did you sleep with Phyllis or Kelly or Pam? Maybe all together?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Pam Beesley
No, no never.
Did everyone know? Was I the only one who didn’t know?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Yeah pretty much.
Who are you?! I don’t know you! pushes someone away to leave
Photo of Erin

Photo of Gabe
I should probably get involved in this, but I think my energy is better spent on the Cookie Monster issue.

Erin, you know, if I had been engaged to anyone before you, I would’ve told you.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Erin
So if you need anything, I’m right over there.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Pam Beesley
imitating Cookie Monster “Hey, Erin, You look delicious. I mean, beautiful.”
Ok. Ok there. I heard that. So I’m sorry, Pam, but that’s it. I’m going to have to suspend you without pay for two days.
Photo of Gabe
Photo of Pam Beesley
What? What do you mean, suspend me?
I think you need to go a little easy. You can’t just suspend someone form work.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Gabe
Yeah, you’re right. You know what? Um, you’re suspended too Jim. Dwight starts to clap Ok fine. You too Dwight.
Wait, What? I was just slow-clapping your no-nonsense decision-making.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Gabe
I don’t want to hear it. Suspended.
“C” is for suspension.
Photo of Kevin Malone

Photo of Andy Bernard
Why would that be something to talk about on Secretary’s Day?
Andy, she’s not the easiest person in the world to have a conversation with. All right? And besides, who doesn’t tell their girlfriend that they were engaged to someone who works four feet away from them? That’s like.. that’s like Mr. and Mrs. Smith crap.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
I was going to tell her, just on my own time.
You know what, I resent the implication that I would keep that secret. Everyone here knows that I can’t and won’t keep a secret.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Andy Bernard
Who cares? I mean it’s not like I killed someone. Big deal right? This can blow over in two seconds. She never asked me. So, if you think about it… I probably should have told her I guess. Everybody does stupid things.

Psst. Hey. Erin.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Erin
You want to talk to me, come to my desk.
You embarrassed me earlier.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Erin
Oh. Take it up with the chief of police.
You think I want people remembering I had sensual relations with Andy? It’s the kind of thing you wish you could have annulled. I want to throw up just thinking about it.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Erin
I want to throw up just thinking about it.
You are throwing up for the wrong reasons!
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
standing behind Erin I don’t think this fax is going through. Is there a different… I can just put it through again, you know.

Hey. You know I was engaged before Jim.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Erin
Yeah. And he worked here too.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Erin
It was Andy, wasn’t it?
No, no it wasn’t Andy. It wasn’t. It doesn’t matter. It’s not about who you’ve been with. It’s about who you end up with. Sometimes the heart doesn’t know what it wants until it finds what it wants.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Erin
I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Thank you. kisses Jim on the cheek
Photo of Pam Beesley

Photo of Gabe
talking on the phone So I can reprimand them but I can’t suspend them. Oh I can’t do either. Uh huh. Fair enough.

answers phone Hey Toby.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Toby Flenderson
I called Tallahassee. He can ask you not to come in, but he can’t dock your pay. That’s not legal.
Very interesting.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Yeah, I also learned some interesting things about how they structure…
Gabe walks in Thanks Toby.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Gabe
Hey everyone. Hi. Quite an afternoon, huh? Cathartic in a way. I’m glad I got to share it with you. It makes you think about what’s really important. Pam hands Jim a note It’s not about showing you’re in charge or flexing some sort of authority. It’s about forgiveness. And yes, I’m talking about you three in this desk clump right here. I think that, if you were to apologize to me, then I would revoke your suspension.
I don’t think an apology is enough. I really think the only way for me to learn my lesson is to take my suspension.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
And I got to take this bad attitude, and I got to go home, and I got to adjust it. And I hope the suspension does that.
gets up and walks towards Gabe Prideful idiots. Watch how it’s done. Jim and Pam get their things together and start to leave Gabriel, I apologize.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Gabe
gets on one knee I kneel before you.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Gabe
Guys, I would even take a contrite look as an apology.
Humbly taking your hand upon which I kiss to show my contrition.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Gabe
following Jim and Pam to their car Guys, to err is human. trying to block their car

Trust is the most important thing to me. Is your name Andy Bernard? What’s your real name? Lionel Frankenstein?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Will you stop walking for one second? That’s it. There’s no other secrets. Ok? I mean yeah, my chest is not naturally hairless, and my parents pay my credit card bill.
How long were you guys together?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
A year.
A year? You were together for a year?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah but that’s it. Now you know everything about me. I promise. And if I think of anything else…
I think I have to be on my own for a little bit. Like the girl Precious in Precious. Based on the novel Push by Sapphire. Ok?
Photo of Erin
Photo of Andy Bernard
I didn’t see that movie.

walking back into the office That was ugly. I’m sorry you had to see that.
Photo of Gabe
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
Do they still get paid?
It’s tacky to discuss finances. It’s best to pretend that this never happened.
Photo of Gabe
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Sounds like they just got to go home with pay.
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Gabe
Can I buy everyone coffees? everyone shakes their heads in Cookie Monster voice “Or cookies.”
What was that? Are you kidding me? Was that an impression?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Gabe
imitating Gabe Uh guys, I’m now going to apologize for the mess that we’re in because corporate told me to. I just want you to know that I laugh like a crazy person.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Gabe
You got to be able to laugh at yourself. I’m one of the gang.
“I have to go back to the zoo to the stick insect exhibit.”
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Kevin Malone
“Ciao” Right? “Ciao. I say Ciao because I’m fancy from Tallahassee.”
Why don’t we say ciao to the impressions? everyone says ciao
Photo of Gabe

Photo of Erin
sitting on bench outside groaning
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Oh. Sorry I thought everyone was gone.
No, no, I was just watching Cookie Monster. It finally downloaded. Mind if I sit down?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
I can’t trust Andy anymore.
Oh. Yep. I’m sorry about that. I feel… I’m sorry I caused that thing.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
It’s Andy’s fault.
Well, yeah, yes. But I still feel sorry. You know what, I wouldn’t worry about Angela. She doesn’t hold a candle to you, Erin. She’s old enough to be your mom for one thing. And she’s, like, three feet tall. And she wears pioneer women clothing. And I don’t think she’s ever pooped in her life. And Andy, you know, come on. Andy, his butt looks big in those khakis.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Oh, I like his butt.
You said butt.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
You tricked me!
Ahh! You said it! You know who you would love? Oh, this guy in my neighborhood, Tom Dizemore. This is him: “Hey! Hey Scott!”
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Andy Bernard
Sometimes telling someone something is hard. Well, at least someone made her happy on Secretary’s Day.

Hey Kevin it’s Oscar. I’m looking at the sheet you sent me. And I can’t seem to find the column for shipping cost.
Oscar’s voice from the computer

Photo of Kevin Malone
I made the most brilliant retaliation video. It’s awesome.

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