Mafia - The Office (Season 6, Episode 6)

Michael meets with an insurance salesman named Angelo Grotti in the office and is later convinced by Dwight and Andy that he is part of the Mafia. They're convinced because the fact that Grotti's surname sounds very familiar to John Gotti. Oscar tries to convince them otherwise to no avail, and later notes that since Jim and Pam are on their honeymoon in Puerto Rico, and Toby has "checked out", the "coalition for reason" in the office is very weak. Oscar calls them about the situation but Pam pointedly reminds him that they are on their honeymoon and should not be bothered unless it's a dire emergency.

Michael calls for a lunch meeting with Grotti, convinced by Dwight and Andy to meet him in a public place where Grotti cannot become violent. Dwight and Andy accompany him to the meeting, Andy disguised as a mechanic and bearing a tire iron so he can defend Michael; though this backfires on him when he was forced to try and fix a woman's car and ends up breaking it further. Michael interprets Grotti's insurance pitches as veiled threats, and frightened, signs a deal with him. However, Michael cannot afford the policy, so he calls Jim for help. Jim briefly pranks him by pretending to cut out before telling him to not call him on his honeymoon again. Michael also consults Oscar, who tells him to simply cancel the insurance, but Michael is too intimidated to do so and becomes despondent.

Discontent at seeing Michael with his spirit broken and facing financial ruin, Dwight and Andy resolve that they have to get him to stand up to Grotti. They tell Michael that Grotti was just pretending to be part of the Mafia to con Michael into a deal. Enraged, Michael calls Grotti, chews him out for his "threats", and tells him to cancel the deal. After he hangs up, Dwight and Andy admit their deception and congratulate Michael on standing up to the Mafia. Michael is too elated by his accomplishment to be mad at Dwight and Andy for lying to him, and eagerly recounts his conversation with Grotti to the rest of the office.

Kevin uses Jim's office to pass gas in and eventually sets up a temporary workspace in there. Jim's credit card company calls his office phone inquiring about some unusual charges and Kevin, worried someone might have stolen Jim's card, uses one of Jim's pay stubs to give them his address and social security number. They say that there have been charges that occurred in Puerto Rico and that they will cancel his card. Kevin realizes his mistake and tries to stop them, but to no avail, and Oscar tells Kevin he just committed identity fraud. At the end of the episode, Kevin calls Pam to confirm that they do not suspect that he is behind Jim's credit card being cancelled; after Pam angrily cuts off the call, Kevin cheerfully notes "they have no idea what happened".

Best Funny Quotes From The Office - Mafia

Photo of Michael Scott
The fundamentals of business. The funda-mentals of business. “Mental” is part of the word, I have underlined it. Because you’re mental, if you don’t have a good time. You have to enjoy it.
Well the “fun” is in it. conference room group chimes agreement.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Michael Scott
Get out.
halfway out Yeah, I know.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Michael Scott
Yes. So, it all starts with a handshake. But you can’t just go right to the selling, you need “small talk.” What topics can you use for small talk?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
Stock market.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
Dave Matthews.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
Yes, what else?
Uh, small things. Peas, ball bearings, dimes…
Photo of Creed Bratton
Photo of Michael Scott
The weekend!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Yeah! That’s good! Come on up! Meredith, come up here. Let’s do a little something. So Meredith and I have just started conversing and I will say, “So Meredith, how was your weekend, what did you do?”
Well I caught my son taking a dump on the upper part of the toilet.
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
All right…
He calls it an upper decker.
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Okay, okay. God. What you people don’t know about business, I could fill a book with.
Then do it.
Photo of Ryan
Photo of Michael Scott
Write a book.
Photo of Ryan

Photo of Michael Scott
into mini recorder The fundamentals of business by Michael Scott. Over one billion sold. More than the Bible, I’m not surprised. Chapter one. The businessman…

Michael walks in office, man waits on couch Mr. Grotti, this is Michael Scott. He’s the person you should talk to.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Oh hi. I’m sorry, just a sec. whispers Erin, you’re supposed to be the gatekeeper, do you have any idea how valuable my time is?
In your schedule it just says nine til noon is “creative space” and I thought this could be part of that.
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Do you know how creative space works? Okay I just cancelled my afternoon.
You don’t have anything in the afternoon. It just says “free play.”
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Push free play til tomorrow morning. to Grotti Hi. Sorry. Crazy day. You’re seeing how the sausage gets made.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Come in the conference room and I will show you a finished sausage.

As a manager of business, you have a lot of pride.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
But you also got a lot of responsibility
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
None greater perhaps, than your need to be sure, that your small or large business is secure in the event of a covered loss.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott

There is nothing more insulting to a great salesman, than having to listen to a bad salesman. It’s like a great basketball player having to listen to a bad basketball player.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Kevin Malone
Jim’s gone on his honeymoon. So I started borrowing his office to fart in. Then one day I came in and I just stayed. Cause this place is awesome. It feels like home now. Even better than my home. My home sucks.

What do you think?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
I think you’re right. It definitely looks suspicious. And his southern Italian heritage raises some flags.
God forbid you… should have a fire in the warehouse.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Oh yup. Yeah, definitely. All that paper burning up.
Yeah, and a truck, goes off the side of the road, there’s injury.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Mmhm, I hear you. The truck.
You will be hearing from me Mr. Scott.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Okay, well.
I can be very very persistent.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Do your worst. they shake hands
Grotti knocks over coat stand grabbing his overcoat Oh, great.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Would you look at that people? What an unpredictable world we live in, huh?
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Andy Bernard
What happened in there?
Nothing, other than once again, I am just thankful that I am a paper salesman.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Did he threaten you?
No Dwight, not everything is a threat.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Mobsters are!
There is no such things as monsters.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
He drives an SUV!
I knew it! More trunk space. Or should I say, corpse space.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Hey guys, I drive a SUV, does that mean I’m in the mob?
No, not that, by itself. But look at all the facts. He seems like a mobster.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
Wait, when did we start talking about the mob? The guy was trying to sell me insurance.
All mobsters have a front, sometimes it’s selling insurance, sometimes it’s waste management or sanitation.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Oscar Martinez
For the record, not all Italian-Americans are in the Mafia.
I think, he just seemed like he was just trying to sell me insurance.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah, buy my insurance or I’ll burn your warehouse down!
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
He did talk about a fire in the warehouse… and he also vaguely threatened me with testicular cancer.
Uhh. All right, who else is here? looks around
Photo of Oscar Martinez

Photo of Oscar Martinez
Pam and Jim are on their honeymoon. So there’s not the usual balance between “sane and others.” Toby has mentally checked out since June. It’s a very dangerous time. The “coalition for reason” is extremely weak.

Oscar says I checked out huh? Huh. nods head
Photo of Toby Flenderson

Photo of Michael Scott
over chatter Hey, hey hey, calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Ryan, you lived in New York, what do you think?
Well first of all, there is no such thing as ‘The Mafia.’
Photo of Ryan
Photo of Michael Scott
What you have are specific families. What’s the guy’s last name?
Photo of Ryan
Photo of Michael Scott
Um it is, Grotti.
groans Oh no. Fabulous.
Andy and Dwight
Photo of Oscar Martinez
What? What?
It’s John Gotti, you idiot!
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Oscar Martinez
It’s, it’s a completely different name!
So he won’t get caught!
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah. It’s pretty close.
No, what are you talking about, what mobster would change his name from Gotti to Grotti. It weakens it.
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Dwight Schrute
No I disagree. “R” is among the most menacing of sounds. That’s why they call it “murder.” And not “muck-duck.”
Okay too many different words coming at me from too many different sentences.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Lock your door!
I’m not gonna lock my door. door closes. Then clicks locked
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Jim Halpert
Jim? It’s Oscar. I’m so sorry to be calling you on your honeymoon.
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Jim Halpert
Oscar! Uh, what is going on?
It’s Michael, he thinks he’s being shaken down by the mob. I don’t know how you usually handle this.
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Jim Halpert
Look, We’re in Puerto Rico, so-
Hey Oscar. It’s Pam. Hey. We’re on our honeymoon.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Pam, I’m sorry–
Unless someone very close to us is in immediate physical danger, you should not be calling us.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Oscar Martinez
You’re right. You’re right. Pam hangs up Oh, okay bye.

It’s Grotti. He’s following up.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Already? This, this guy is persistent!
reads email “I feel that you will regret missing this great opportunity to be in business.”
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
That’s bad.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
That’s bad.
Yeah. What are my options here? Do I just ignore it, or?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah right! You heard him! He’s gonna burn down the warehouse or run one of our trucks off the road.
Okay, I’m calling the police.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
hangs up, rips cord from phone That is the stupidest thing you could do right now!
He’s right. Cops can’t do anything until a crime has been reported.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
All right.
Not only that, but if they find out you snitched, you get a dead horses chopped off head in your bed!
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
You know what?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
That’s not gonna happen.
That’s an exaggeration.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Andy Bernard
That’s how it works!
What am I supposed to do here?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
When somebody threatens you, you give in right away. Okay you need to buy insurance from this guy and get him off your back
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
No, criminals are like raccoons. Okay, you give ’em a taste of cat food pretty soon they’ll be back for the whole cat.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
The only way to defeat a bully is to stand up to him. Trust me, I have bullied a lot of people.
I don’t know, I don’t know about that.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Wait let’s hear him out, this is interesting.
Here’s what we do. We meet him in a public place. Ask him to lunch or something like that, some place he can’t be openly violent.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Andy Bernard
Let him know you’re not the typical kind of guy that he can shake down. That you’re stubborn. That you might even be a little bit dangerous.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Andy Bernard
snaps fingers I like this plan. I’d like to officially withdraw my plan.
Hold on, hold on! Just-
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
No, no, no. My plan is out! We do this the hard way.
All right. I will meet with him, but I’m not going alone.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Well you’re gonna have to. overlaps Dwight: We’ll be right beside you.
Photo of Andy Bernard

Photo of Michael Scott
Andy dressed as a mechanic, Cornell hat on What are you wearing? Who’s Pat?
Well if I’m gonna back you up, I need a weapon without drawing suspicion, and I have to justify it somehow so, I’m a mechanic with a tire thing.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Do you know how to use it?
To change tires, no. But it’s metal, I can hit somebody with it.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
Let’s go, come on. whispers God!
Should I change?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
You’re wearing loafers!
Forget it! Forget it!
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Michael Scott
Andy is playing with the tire iron Take that thing off the table! Please!
Well then I can’t use it. I’m just gonna hide it.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Hey. Bathroom checks out clean. Nothing behind the toilet except for this roach motel.
Oh! God! smacks roaches
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
Oh my God!
You’ll never kill it that way. You want to separate the head from the thorax-
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
Guys, guys. Cool it. There he is, there he is.

Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Mr. Scott.
Mr. Grotti we meet again. These are my associates.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Hi. Angelo Grotti.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
So, you got this table?
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
This is one of those half booths, can’t-decide-what-it-is type of thing.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Waitress, we’re gonna sit over here.
Photo of Grotti
That’s fine.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Kevin Malone
answers phone Hello.
Hello Mr. Halpert. I’m calling from the identity theft department at Capital One. We’ve detected some unusual activity on your credit card.
Credit card rep
Photo of Kevin Malone
Oh man, do you think it was stolen?
First would you mind verifying your home address?
Photo of Kevin Malone
Um, yes. looks at Jim’s pay stub Um, 383 Linden Ave., Scranton PA
And may I have the last four numbers of your Social Security Number?
Photo of Kevin Malone
Well Mr. Halpert. You’re obviously not in San Juan Puerto Rico.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Wait a minute. Yes I am.
I’m going to go ahead and put a hold on your card.
Photo of Kevin Malone
No. That… I, I think that we should let the criminal use the card a little longer.
Very funny sir. We’ll get a new card out to you right away.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Have a nice day, and thank you!
Photo of Kevin Malone

If you want to supplement your coverage, we can do that. If you want to replace your current coverage, all the better. Ah, you seem like a nice guy.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Oh he’s not that nice.
That’s not true.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Andy Bernard
Hmm. Very true.
Okay shut up.
Photo of Michael Scott
Have you decided?
Yeah, I’ll have the linguini, red sauce on the side. If the sauce does not come on the side, I will send it back. I want garlic bread, toasted, not burnt. If it comes burnt, I will send it back.
Photo of Grotti
Okay then. And for you sir?
I will have the gabba-gool.
Photo of Michael Scott
The… what?
The gabba-gool.
Photo of Michael Scott
I don’t really know what that is.
with Soprano’s inflection You know, gabba-gool.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
I don’t, I don’t have to have that.
What he’s trying to say is, Gabba. Gool.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
Guys, guys-
I don’t really think that we have that.
Photo of Michael Scott
That’s okay.
Bring him the gabba-gool!
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
Shh. I will have the spaghetti, with a side salad.
Photo of Michael Scott
If the salad is on top, I send it back.

Why would you cancel Jim’s credit cards?
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Kevin Malone
I usually can think quick on my feet, but they were so fast on the phone.
This constitutes identity fraud.
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Kevin Malone
Oh God. I wouldn’t last in jail Oscar. I’m not like you.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Kevin Malone
Oh you don’t know about jail? Oh you would love jail.
Why would I love jail?
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Kevin Malone
Because… You would love it.

I don’t think our company actually needs any more insurance. So I am out.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Look closely Michael. I feel there’s a plan here for you.
Maybe we have a plan for you?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Grotti
How about you? Maybe you can use supplemental coverage of some kind. Anybody can get hurt! You always think, it can’t happen to you, and drops hand loudly on table Think about it.
approaches with child Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Are you a mechanic?
Photo of Andy Bernard
My battery is dead, I’ve got my kid, can you please help?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yes I can.
No, no no, no. Come on. I’m sorry, we’re having our salad.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Come on! Lady in distress? Go! Go!
Photo of Andy Bernard
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
Hey, do you need any help?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
I’m sure he can handle a simple jump-start. Now come on, sit down.
He’s a good mechanic.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Where were we?
I don’t…
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
He was trying to force you to decide on a policy.
Okay, okay okay.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
So we’re choosing…
Yep, all right.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Check out Dental?
Put it down.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Andy Bernard
Black goes on the red. With the… If we… Positive… Mo- it being a motor drive, it’s probably down.
He seems bad at this.
Photo of Andy Bernard
You want to do this junior? I didn’t think so. Sorry. It’s kind of a long day at the… mechanic store. Andy places connections wrong, smoke and explosion set off Aaaah! You got a leaky spark tube.
Photo of Andy Bernard
So your car’s totaled. Uh, you’re just gonna want to get a refund on that. Or my guy could do it. He’s great. But uh, I can’t do that for you. I work exclusively on motorcycles. Andy walks away, woman is exasperated

Now if you could just sign this letter of intent, I’ll bring this back to my boss, and we can get this in motion. Andy clears throat loudly You okay, Pat?
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Andy Bernard
Yeah. Just thinking about how, uh, I had this car, this Italian car, and I was driving it, and it kept telling me how much it needed oil, but I wouldn’t give it any oil. And then, one day it exploded and it killed everyone and that’s what I’m afraid of.
Aren’t you a mechanic? Why wouldn’t you put oil in the car?
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Andy Bernard
It was before, my tech- my technical training.
Don’t do it!
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Andy Bernard
Do it.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Andy Bernard
Just do it.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Grotti
Look Mike, I don’t know what your friends are telling you, but you have to decide for yourself. Are these guys gonna take care of your things if you die tomorrow?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott

I don’t understand, why would you buy a policy?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
It’s just the cost of a cup of coffee an hour.
You were man enough to back down Michael, I’m proud of you.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
I had to make a snap decision Dwight.
It wasn’t a snap decision, you were sitting there for an hour.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
It was a lot of snap decisions.
Do you know what “snap decision” means?
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
It means like this. snaps fingers
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
Just get in the car.

Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Oh thank God.
How did you get this number? Michael, we’re on a catamaran.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
It wasn’t easy. I had to tell the hotel it was a medical emergency. I chose massive coronary, cause you told me that your Dad had a bad heart. Listen man, I, I got a problem, I think I’m in trouble with the mob. Or a major insurance carrier.
That sounds bad.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Yeah, I know and you usually can get out of stuff like this, so I’m turning to you my friend.
I’m gonna help you through it all right?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
All you’re gonna need to faking a bad connection and- it- and then go to–
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Jim? Are you?
And then you’ll be saved.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
What? Wait, I didn’t hear a thing you just said.
Just drops and then you’ll be saved.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
No! God! I missed, I missed the important part again!
A- ah–
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
No! Oh my God!
And you’ll be saved.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
No, Jim please, repeat what you’re saying! I can’t understand you!
I drops out at the Bermuda Triangle. An- M- please don’t call again.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Jim?!? dial tone Oh my God.

Hey uh, question for you. I recently purchased some insurance that I can’t afford given my present salary. Is there anything accounting-wise I can do to sort of make it all go away?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Accounting-wise, no. But phone-wise, just call up and cancel it.
Oh no. Um. What about this Cash For Clunkers thing?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Just- no. No.
All right. Well, it was a thought. Thanks.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Dwight Schrute
We have let Michael down, and it’s 85 percent your fault.
He’s alive. So you’re welcome.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Not on the inside he’s not. Look at his life! Broke! Living in fear! No friends, dead end job.
Yeah, some of that existed before.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Not the living in fear, that’s new.
You’re right, that is new.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Yes. He’s got to stand up to this mafia guy.
Well I don’t see that happening.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Me neither. Not the way things are now. But what if Michael felt no fear toward the mafia guy?
Are you saying-
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
That we surgically remove the fear center from Michael’s brain?
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
What is wrong with you? I am talking about convincing Michael that the guy’s not mafia!
That seems a little far-fetched.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Well more far-fetched than a mobster walking into a paper company for a low-level shakedown? And that happened.

Michael. Incredible news. Grotti is clean.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
No. He’s not. He’s just good. Nothing sticks to him. You still don’t understand how this works.
No, Michael. What we’re trying to say is, we made a mistake assuming he was mafia. I have a buddy who’s a Fed, and we did a background check on the guy. His background is perfectly clean.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
It’s true, he’s clean. I have a couple of friends still on the force. Checked with them. Ran his Fed friend up the flagpole to make sure he wasn’t on the take. Turns out he’s a totally lovely guy. Sweetest guy on the force really.
Class act. Boy scout.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
But Grotti acts like he’s mafia though.
He’s trying to intimidate you to close sales. He’s just a pushy salesman.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Dwight Schrute
And he made us all look like chumps!
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Michael Scott
If there is one thing I hate more than the mafia it is a liar. I wish the mafia would go out and kill all the liars. Bury them in my yard. And I wouldn’t tell the cops a thing. Not that I would be lying per se. But I would just get really quiet, all of a sudden.

This is Grotti.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
This is Scott.
Oh! Great. Michael, I’m finishing up your paperwork right now.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Oh really? Is that supposed to scare me?
I, I thought you’d be pleased.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Well you thought wrong. Because I am not pleased. I’m actually kind of PO’d.
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
I think you know exactly why, because you were trying to scare me into buying insurance.
I don’t get it. How was I scaring you?
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
I think you knew exactly what you were doing. And frankly I think you were being a total and utter jerk.
Whoa. Okay.
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
You suck!
Okay that’s-
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
And I’m not gonna buy your stupid insurance.
That’s good, let’s wrap it up.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
How about that? The only person that actually needs insurance is you, if you show your face around here again, got it?
Look, Michael, when we all calm down here, maybe at some point in the future, you change your mind, why don’t you give me a call?
Photo of Grotti
Photo of Michael Scott
Doubt it. disconnects call
relaxing Oh man.
Dwight and Andy
Photo of Michael Scott
What a tool. Dwight and Andy exchange looks What?
Next time you look in the mirror, you’re gonna be looking at a guy who stood down the mafia!
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Michael Scott
No. What do you mean?
We just told you he wasn’t mafia, so you wouldn’t be scared.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
You successfully backed down the mob!
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Andy Bernard
You made the mafia apologize to you! You made the mafia be polite!
Oh man. I should be mad at you guys. But I’m not.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Michael Scott
So I looked him in the eye and I said, “Not today Grotti, Not today. And not tomorrow, and not the next day. Or the day after that. And you can tell all your friends that if I see them, then they’re already dead.” I said something like that.
Very close.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Just to be clear, he backed down an insurance agent from Mutual of Harrisburg.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Not from the kitchen. Stop and Shop. If it’s not Stop and Shop, I send it back.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
Large. If it’s a medium I send it back. If it’s an extra large I send it back.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Erin
How do you return coffee?
Go. Any questions?
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Pam Beesley
on phone Are you kidding me?
Hi Pam, is Jim there?
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Pam Beesley
Listen our credit card has been cancelled and we have to deal with that, and I really can’t handle the fact that you’re calling us here!
Okay, that sounds good. Um, I’ll let you go, just -tell Jim, that I said hi.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Pam Beesley
Oh I will. I will Kevin. I will make that my top priority.
Cool. Okay. Pam hangs up Bye.
Photo of Kevin Malone

Photo of Kevin Malone
They have no idea what happened.

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