Moroccan Christmas - The Office (Season 5, Episode 11)

Phyllis is throwing her first Christmas party as head of the Party Planning Committee and it's a Moroccan-themed one. Alcohol is served and Meredith takes full advantage of it. She gets drunk and sets her hair on fire while dancing. Dwight, as fire marshall, is there to put out the fire... but it brings the part to a halt. Michael then tries to stage an intervention for Meredith's alcoholism. He really has no clue how to run an intervention and pretty much just gathers everyone in a circle to discuss Meredith's alcoholism - which Meredith vehemently denies.

With Meredith denying her alcoholism, the rest of the office just go back to the party but Michael talks with Meredith in his office. They leave the office together. Michael has told her that they are going to a bar, but he actually takes her to a rehabilitation center. When they get to the rehab center, Meredith she tries to escape, but Michael grabs her and drags her in. Michael then learns that you can't check in anyone against their will... so they leave and drive back to the office.

It's Christmas season and Dwight has performed research to figure out the most popular toy of the current season. It's a doll named "Princess Unicorn" and Dwight has bought every one he could find in the local toy stores. He's going to sell the dolls to desperate parents and make an enormous profit. He says the parents deserve it because they've waited until the last minute to buy their kids presents. Numerous "customers" come in throughout the day to purchase a doll from Dwight, all paying his asking price of $200.

Toby also wants to buy a doll. It's for his daughter, Sasha, so he can be the hero this Christmas, and irritate his ex-wife. When he finally goes to Dwight to purchase one, Darryl has already purchased the last one. Toby begs Darryl to sell him is doll, and Darryl offers to sell it to him for double. Toby doesn't have $400, but Darryl allows him to pay him later. Toby is slightly surprised when the doll he gets from Darryl is a black version of the doll.

Throughout the day, Phyllis continues to order Angela to do various tasks for the party. Phyllis tells Angela to bring back the Christmas tree after Michael and Meredith have left... and Angela refuses. Angela's affair with Dwight is the only thing Phyllis has on her and she believes Phyllis wouldn't give that up over something so minor... not to mention she wouldn't be the head of the party planning committee any longer. Phyllis, to Angela's surprise, immediately announces Angela and Dwight's affair to the office.

Everyone is shocked by the Phyllis's reveal, except for Dwight, who seems proud of himself. Andy isn't in the office when Phyllis reveals her secret - he's been in the annex teaching himself to play a sitar. At the end of the episode, he returns to the party to play "Deck the Halls" for Angela on the sitar, before she asks him to take her home. The rest of the office don't reveal the secret to Andy.

Best Funny Quotes From The Office - Moroccan Christmas

Photo of Dwight Schrute
What is this?
Happy Holidays, Dwight. But do not open it till Christmas.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
You’re so pathetic. How long did this take you? Three hours?
Five minutes actually. I am a black belt in gift wrapping.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Yeah, no such thing. They don’t give out black belts for things that are stupid. scoffs Well, I hope it was worth it, cause I’m gonna take it apart in about five minutes.
I think it’ll take you a little longer than that.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Really? If I can skin a mule deer in less than ten minutes, I ought to be able to cut my — sets briefcase on desk and sits in chair, desk and chair are made of paper, Dwight crashes to the floor

Photo of Stanley Hudson
Photo of Phyllis
I’m sorry. It’s the largest one I have.
I will not be the big guy in the tiny hat. Kevin is wearing the same hat
Photo of Stanley Hudson

Photo of Phyllis
This is the first Christmas party I am throwing as head of the party planning committee. The theme is “Nights in Morocco”. This isn’t your grandmothers Christmas party. Unless of course she’s from Morocco, in which case it’s very accurate.

Hey, Phyllis, do I need this invite to get in to the party?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Phyllis
Awesome. I think this is going to be the best Christmas party ever.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Phyllis
Angela. You’re going to move this for the party right? It’s not on theme.
It’s the nativity scene.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Phyllis
Alright. You can keep your camel, sheep, elephant and the north African king can stay. Everything else goes in the drawer.

I am not going to judge Phyllis for desecrating Christmas. There is one person who will though and Phyllis just stuffed him into a drawer.
Photo of Angela Martin

Photo of Phyllis
I need you to get rid of the tree.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Phyllis
Thank you.

Oh, I don’t think it’s blackmail. Angela just does what I ask her to do so I won’t tell everyone that she’s cheating on Andy with Dwight. I think for it to be black mail, it would have to be a formal letter.
Photo of Phyllis

Photo of Jim Halpert
Ah. You brought in your doll collection.
These are not dolls, Jim. These are commodities. Same as gold or oil.
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Dwight Schrute
Every year I do research to determine which toy will be the most popular of the Christmas season. This year it’s a doll. Half girl, half unicorn. Catchphrase: “My horn can pierce the sky”. Pathetic. I bought out every store in the area over the last couple of weeks. And as lazy parents become desperate I will sell them for an enormous profit. Isn’t that right princess? makes doll nod

That’s the Christmas spirit.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Dwight Schrute
I am simply punishing those parents that would wait till the last minute to get their child a gift. And such a genetically improbable one. Look at that. How does that happen? King has sex with a unicorn? Man with a horn has sex with a royal horse?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Oh, hey, is that Princess Unicorn? I thought they were all sold out.
They are now.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
Cool. sings My horn can pierce the sky.

This is equal parts scotch, absinthe, rum, gin, vermouth, triple sec, and two packs of Splenda. Call it a one of everything.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
drinks Oh… my… GOD!!! laughs Hit me again.
Alright… One more time around the block.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Jim Halpert
I will grant you one wish.
I wish that you’d stop rubbing that lamp in that creepy way.
Photo of Pam Beesley
Photo of Jim Halpert
Stupid. Everyone knows to ask for a hundred more wishes. Pam laughs Dumb.
sitting on floor playing the sitar Hey, hey… Ange… check it out. sings There’s a place in France where the naked ladies dance. laughs
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Angela Martin
Really Andy? It’s Christmas and your singing about nudity and France.
sings There’s a hole in the wall where the men can see it all.
Photo of Andy Bernard

Photo of Michael Scott
Jim, Jim….
What is it?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
That is vodka and I mixed it with orange juice. I call it an orange-vod-juice…ka.
Wow, that is delicious.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Can’t believe no ones thought of that.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
I know.

dancing drunkenly Ahh yeah!!
Photo of Meredith Palmer

Photo of Meredith Palmer
continuing to dance, lifting her shirt Belly dancing!

120, 180… 200.
Guy buying doll
Photo of Dwight Schrute
All right.
Thank you so much. My daughter is going to love this.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Oh, so glad I could help.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Merry Christmas.
You too.

Photo of Dwight Schrute

sighs Oh, so this is what every day would be like if you hadn’t left India.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Jim Halpert
Meredith’s hair is on fire Oh, oh, oh, oh!
We got a live one! On fire!! Dwight extinguishes Meredith
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Meredith Palmer
I’m all right. I’m all right.

Photo of Andy Bernard

Photo of Oscar Martinez
We’re back on the 5th, should we just do it then?
Can not do it then. Monthly dental appointment, soft teeth
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Oscar Martinez
What about February 2nd?
Ah… would you want to do it on Groundhogs day?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
No, no. I celebrate privately.
That’s cool.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Why don’t we just do it now? We’ll do it quickly.
Now? It’s our Christmas party.
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Michael Scott
We’ll do it quickly.
Well what if we can’t do it quickly.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
mimicking What if we can’t do it quickly? What if we cant do it–
Do you know how to do an intervention?
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Michael Scott
Hey, shut up. Here we go. Everybody gather up.

An intervention. It’s sort of hard to describe, but really its– it’s a coming together… it’s a surprise party for people who are– who have addictions. And you get in their face and you scream at them and you make them feel really badly about themselves. And then they stop.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Phyllis
It looks like we’re going to be here for awhile, so why don’t you make a little plate of hummus for everyone. Little triangles of pita, toasted on both sides, fanned so you can easily can grab them.
I don’t–
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Phyllis
And napkins… fanned.

Okay, how do you feel?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
A little better. I threw up.
Uck… T.M.I.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Kevin Malone
Fire girl. looks around Too soon?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Michael Scott
Okay, you know what I thought we should do is have a quick intervention and then get back to the party.
Michael, we are only allowed to talk about Meredith’s work performance. We can not ask her to stop drinking.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Michael Scott
I am not asking her to stop drinking. I am imploring her to quit being an alcoholic.
I’m not an alcoholic.
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Yeah, obviously you are. Okay, everybody who thinks that Meredith is an alcoholic please raise your hand. everyone raises their hand
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
The aye’s have it.
I don’t care what everyone thinks. I know I am not an alcoholic.
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Alright, well, let’s look at this a little bit closer then shall we? pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket

When I was in college I used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was puke. I would chug a fifth of socos, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people’s empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, puke, rally, more soco, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I had let it affect my grades, but I aced all my courses. They called me Ace. It was totally awesome. Got straight B’s. They called me Buzz.
Photo of Andy Bernard

Photo of Michael Scott
Meredith, have you ever used alcohol to alter your mood or deliberately change your state of mind?
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Do you sometimes have a drink to celebrate a special occasion or mark a holiday?
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Have you ever under the influence of alcohol questioned the teachings of the Mormon church?
Where did you get this?
Photo of Oscar Martinez
Photo of Michael Scott
I got it on a website, that’s not important.
Michael, We should contact some experts. You don’t know what your doing.
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Photo of Michael Scott
Okay, you know what Toby? One of my employees is undergoing a crisis and I wish for just once you would take my side on this. I’m doing your job man. Hey, are you texting?
Yeah, ’cause this is kind of a drag.
Photo of Kelly Kapoor
Photo of Michael Scott
Alcohol is a drag. Yes. Here’s what I’d like to do. I’d like to go around the room and have us each express to Meredith how her alcoholism has affected us. I’ll begin. This Christmas party is perhaps the best Christmas party I have ever been to, but then you got so drunk that we had to stop and do this. That’s how your drinking affected me. Anybody else? Another time when Meredith’s drinking affected you? Come on people. If we don’t say anything she’s not going to get any better. Kevin raises his hand Yes, Kevin.
Well, Meredith, there was that one time you bought movie tickets and then you got too drunk to go, so you gave them to me. And that was really cool.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Michael Scott
That’s– you didn’t– you weren’t hurt by that.
Yeah, you said affected by it. Thanks again, Meredith.
Photo of Kevin Malone
Photo of Meredith Palmer
You’re welcome.
Okay, no, that’s not what we’re going for. Who has a problem with Meredith’s drinking? It has to bother you. It bothers me. Right? How does it bother you? Dwight, don’t you have anything?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
No, I like Meredith.

Actually, I don’t care for Meredith, but I don’t believe in this kind of thing. In the Schrute family we believe in a five fingered intervention. holds up his fist Awareness, education, control, acceptance and punching.
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Michael Scott
Who is going to tell us the latest dirty joke? Who is going to tell us what you watched on television last night?
I am fine.
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Was John Belushi fine? Was Bob Hope fine? Hey– come here. If anything ever happened to you, I would be very angry at myself for not doing all that I could do.
I know I drink. I like to party
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
I want you to say I’m an alcoholic.
I am not an alcoholic!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
You can say it as loudly as you want, but we’re not going to believe you.

I was waiting until later to hand out this years gifts from corporate. holds up shot glass I don’t think they’re appropriate anymore.
Photo of Phyllis

Photo of Angela Martin
Please stop making me do these things.
Oh, sorry, it’s your job.
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Angela Martin
But it’s the season of mercy.
You never showed me mercy when you were in charge. Why aren’t you wearing the hairnet?
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Angela Martin
I lost it. Phyllis glares at her until Angela pulls out the hairnet and puts it on
Ok… nice.
Photo of Phyllis

Photo of Meredith Palmer
I don’t mind telling you that I have an addiction. I do. To porn.
amid groans from the rest of the office Alright, no, no, no. No. That is the image, I think we can all agree is very disgusting. But you know what, Meredith, you lit your hair on fire today. What about tomorrow.? What is going to happen when you come into work and you’re dead?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Dwight Schrute
I stab her in the brain with a wooden stick.

There are several ways to kill a zombie, but the most satisfying one is to stab it in the brain with a wooden stick.
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Michael Scott
Everyone in this room loves you, but mark my words, we are not going to support your alcoholism anymore. The next time you light yourself on fire we are not going to help put you out.
Oh, as fire marshal I would have to.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
She is a hazard to the other people of the office.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Michael Scott
I suppose I could do it if it was a controlled burn in a well ventilated area.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Jim Halpert
Yeah, but you’re gonna need a permit for that.
Oh right, that’ll take a couple of weeks.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Creed Bratton
I can get you one in an hour.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Okay you know, this– this is over.
I agree.
Photo of Stanley Hudson
Photo of Jim Halpert
Michael, I think… you did the best you could, but this is bigger than all of us.
Enabler! Enabler, enabler, enabler, enabler, enabler. It’s Christmas and we are turning our back on somebody who is asking for help.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Michael Scott
You know what the only thing I want for Christmas? I want Meredith to get better. That’s my only wish. But you know what? My wishes never come true, so I’m not going to wish that on her. I– a watch would be nice.

watching Meredith and Michael talk in his office They’ve been in there for 45 minutes.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Pam Beesley
I know. If she wasn’t an alcoholic before, she is now. Jim laughs

That’s a halwa shabkia cookie. They serve it during Ramadan. Angela spits her cookie out
Photo of Phyllis
Photo of Stanley Hudson
Mmmm… chewy.

Andy playing the sitar Hey.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Andy Bernard
What’s up?
Do you take requests?
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Andy Bernard
Please stop. People are having a Christmas party.
Photo of Jim Halpert

Photo of Michael Scott
whispers to Meredith I’ll be down in a minute. walks over to Toby Could you write down the number of that rehabilitation center that you mentioned?
Sure. Wow. Michael throws a pen at his head Ow…
Photo of Toby Flenderson

Photo of Meredith Palmer
We just missed Poor Richards.
We did?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Yeah, I thought we were going out for a drink?
Oh, shoot. Oh well, we’ll have to go someplace else then I guess.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
The Bog? Cooper’s, Kelly’s…
We could go there, sure.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
…Brixx’s, Carmen’s…
Yes, yes.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
…The Fort, Andy Gavin’s.
I have a new place.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Well, it must have just opened up.
It– yep, recently.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Yeah… all right.
All right.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Enough of this Christmas crap. Let’s get some party music. changes radio station Yeah!
Yeah, oh there you go.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
That’s good.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Yeah that’s better.
We’re party girls.
Photo of Michael Scott

Photo of Toby Flenderson
on phone Hey Sasha, it’s daddy. Have you ever heard of this doll , Princess Unicorn?
shouting excitedly over the phone Daddy, daddy, daddy!!
Photo of Sasha
Photo of Toby Flenderson
No, No, No. No, I’m just curious if you’ve heard of it.

This is great. My ex-wife’s going to be so pissed. chuckles For once daddy’s gonna be a hero.
Photo of Toby Flenderson

Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Hey, I’d like to buy one of your dolls.
Oh, that’s my last one.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Oh, no, I– no, no, I was gonna buy that doll.
Thanks man.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
I was– I was gonna get the doll.
Not my problem.
Photo of Dwight Schrute
Photo of Toby Flenderson
But I– I promised my daughter. Darryl, look– I– I need the doll, I need the doll. I– I’m– I’m begging you. I just– I need it more than anything in this world. I need this doll. Darryl, man I need this doll.
All right man, don’t cry. It’s cool. I’ll let you get it for $400.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
I only have $200.
You can owe me.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
laughs Oh man, thanks, thank you, tearing up thank you, thank you.
I know, right. Merry Christmas.
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
Oh thanks. She’s gonna… notices the doll is black oh…
Something wrong with the doll?
Photo of Darryl Phylbin
Photo of Toby Flenderson
No. It’s even– it’s even better than the one I wanted.

Sunrise Rehab? No! No! No! I told you no! There is no way!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
It’s okay. It’s all right.
No way! There is no way! No way!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Meredith, we are doing this for your own good. Okay. Come on–
No way! No way! There is no way!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Here we go. This is gonna be good.
No! No way! I told you. We talked about this. There is absolutely no way. No! No! There is no way! No! No! I am not going in there! I am not going in there!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
Yes you are. tries to pull Meredith from the car
I am not going in there! NO!!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Just wait! Just wait!
Shhh… just calm down.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
runs away Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! No! No!
chasing Meredith Come on. Shh…
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
No! No! No! There is no way! There is no way!
Here’s the door. Here’s the door.
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
There is no way! There is no way! No! No!
dragging Meredith on the floor into the rehab center Let’s start meeting– Hello. How are you?
Photo of Michael Scott
Photo of Meredith Palmer
This man is crazy! This man is crazy!
Can I help you?
Rehab Nurse
Photo of Michael Scott
I have a deposit. Alcoholic.
No! No! No! No! No!
Photo of Meredith Palmer
Photo of Michael Scott
So do I sign?
Photo of Meredith Palmer

Photo of Phyllis
I need you to put the Christmas tree back up.
It’s outside.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Phyllis
I didn’t ask you where it was. I told you where it needs to be.
Shut up.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Phyllis
Excuse me?
I’m not moving the tree. Face it. The only power you have over me is this big secret that I know you’re not going to tell. And you want to know how I know that? Because then you won’t be able to plan your stupid, tacky parties anymore. So you move the tree.
Photo of Angela Martin
Photo of Phyllis
Okay. starts to walk away, then turns around Angela’s having sex with Dwight. I caught them doing it after Toby’s going away party.
Well don’t look so surprised.
Photo of Dwight Schrute

Photo of Pam Beesley
I knew it.
You did not know it.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Pam Beesley
I knew some of it.
Everyone knew some of it.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Pam Beesley
It’s Christmas.
You knew it.
Photo of Jim Halpert
Photo of Pam Beesley
Thank you. I knew it.
She knew it.
Photo of Jim Halpert

Photo of Michael Scott
As it turns out you can’t just check someone into rehab against their will. They have to do it voluntarily. They have to hit rock bottom. So I think I know what I need to do at this point. I need to find ways to push Meredith to the bottom. Um… I think I can do it. I did it with Jan.

All right, everybody’s still here. Perfect! Got a little surprise I’ve been working on. Angela, my bride, I just wanted you to know that for the rest of our lives, no matter the cultural milieu, I will always be there to bring you Christmas cheer. sings Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Tis the season to be jolly. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Don we now our gay apparel. Fa-la-la-la-la-LA. Troll the little Yule tide carol. Roo-di-di-di-do. Roododododo. laughs
Photo of Andy Bernard
Photo of Angela Martin
I think I’d like to go home now.
Sure. Dooo. Tough room. chuckles Come on. I just learned it. Just so you know protocol is a little round of applause. But, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Photo of Andy Bernard

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